Assalam alaik...
Berikut merupakan petikan artikel berkaitan penemuan Dr Ibrahim Kamil tentang kuasa Penyembuhan hanya melalui AsmaNya. Tidak pasti bila tetapi carian di google ia banyak dipaparkan tahun 2010. mungkin anda pernah mengetahuinya namun inilah kali pertama bagi saya.. sekadar perkongsian.. ada sedikit sebanyak saya terjemahkan sekadar mampu.. Didoakan semoga usaha anda merawat diri berjaya.. Yakinlah semuanya dengan KeizinanNya jua..usah jemu berusaha...
The Healing Powers Of The Names Of Allah
It has been discovered by Doctor Ibrahim Karim (Biologist) that Asma ul Husnaa, most beautiful names of Allah have healing power to a large number of diseases.
(Doktor Ibrahim Kamil seorang ahli biologi telah menemui satu kuasa penyembuhan terhadap beberapa penyakit melalui Asma ul Husna, nama-nama Allah)
He used precision methods in the measurement of energy within the human body and discovered that every one of the names of Allah stimulates energy in the immune system of the human body to work efficiently in a certain ideal human body.
(Beliau menggunakan kaedah2 tepat dalam mengukur tenaga dalaman (badan) manusia dan menemukan setiap satu asmaNya memberi rangsangan tenaga yang efisen pada sistem imun manusia yang norma.
He discovered that the mere mention (reciting) of most beautiful names of Allah leads to improvement in the tracks Bio Energy within the human body,
(Beliau mendapati bahawa dengan menyebut asmaNya meningkatkan pola Tenaga Bio dalaman manusia)
and after a 3-years of research Doctor Ibrahim Karim reached to the following:
1. Ear(Telinga) – As Sami (The all Hearing- Maha Mendengar).
2. Bone (Tulang) & No 21, 23– Al Nafi (The creator of good- Maha Pemberi Manfaat).
5. Hair (Rambut)– Al Badi (The Originator - Maha Pencipta Keindahan). 6. Heart (Jantung)– Al Nur (The Light - Maha Pengurnia Cahaya). 7. Muscles (Otot) & No 32– Al Qawiyy (The All Strength - Maha Kuat). 8. Heart Waves (Degupan Jantung) – Al Wahhab (The giver of All -Maha Pemberi). 9. Heart Muscle (Otot Jantung) & No 12, 20, 31 – Al Razzaq (The Sustainer- Maha Pengurnia Rezeki). 10. Nerve (Saraf)– Al Mughni (The Enricher - Maha Memakmurkan). 11. Artery (Pembuluh/Salur Darah)– Al Jabbar (The Compeller). 12. Stomach (Perut)– Al Razzaq (The Sustainer). 13. Cancer (Barah) & No 34– Al Jalil (The Mighty - Maha Sempurna).14. Thyroid – Al Jabbar (The Compeller).15. Thigh (Peha) - Al Rafi (The Exalter- Maha Meninggikan). 16. Migraine – Al Ghani (The Rich One- Maha Kaya).17. Eye Arteries – Al Mutaali (The Supreme One - Maha Tinggi dan Mulia).18. Kidney (Ginjal)– Al Hayy (The Ever Living One - Maha Hidup). 19. Colon (Usus Besar)– Al Ra’uf (The Clement).
20. Intestine (Usus Kecil) – Al Razzaq (The Sustainer).
21. Liver (Hati)– Al Nafi (The creator of good).22. Pancreas & No 33– Al Bari (The Make of Order - Maha Menjadikan). 23. Fatty Sacks – Al Nafi (The creator of good).24. Womb (Rahim)– Al Khaliq (The Creator - Maha Pencipta).
25. Bladder (Pundi Kencing) & No 29– Al Haadi (The Guide- Maha Pemberi Petunjuk). 26. Rheumatism (Sakit Sendi)– Al Muhaymin (The Guardian- Maha Pengawal dan Pengawas).27. Prostate – Al Rashid (The Righteous Teacher- Maha Pemberi Petunjuk).
28. Nerves of the Eye – Al Zaahir (The Manifest One - Maha Zahir).29. Pineal Gland – Al Haadi (The Guide).30. Blood Pressure (Tekanan Darah) – Al Khafed (The Abaser- Maha Merendahkan ). 31. Lung (Paru-Paru)- Al Razzaq (The Sustainer).
32. Thymus Gland (Kelenjar Timus bawah leher mengelilingi jantung) – Al Qawiyy (The All Strength). 33. Gland above the Kidney (Kelenjar Ginjal) – Al Bari (The Make of Order).34. Hair Peel – Al Jalil (The Mighty).35. The Nasal Cavities (Rongga Hidung) – (Al Lateef- Maha Lembut, Al Ghani - , Al Raheem- Maha Pengasih).
36. Eye – (Al Nur, Al Baser- Maha Melihat, Al Wahhab).
Method of treatment: Lay your hands on the place of pain and praise Allah names above according to your disease until the pain heals or cure away Insha Allah.
(Cara melakukannya: meletakkan tangan anda pada tempat yang sakit tersebut dan sebutlah berulangkali asmaNya berkaitan dengan tempat yang sakit seperti di atas sehingga berkurang kesakitan itu atau sembuh pulih sihat seperti sedia kala.. Insyaa Allah)
Remember takes place in result of reciting the names of Allah depends on the will of Allah, the Almighty. May Allah grant those ill good health.Aameen
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